Peep Progression Pathway - qualification units for parents and carers

The Peep Progression Pathway offers nationally recognised units to cover three qualification levels for parents and carers as learners. At each of these levels, learners can follow a unit covering:

  • any of the five Peep learning strands -  Personal, social and emotional development, Communication and language, Early literacy, Early maths, and Health and physical development, and/or 
  • any of the four developmental stages - Babies, Toddlers, Pre-schoolers or Early Childhood - of the Learning Together Programme


Join our next free Pathway Information Session for practitioners and managers 
 to find out more about using the Peep Progression Pathway with your local families
Wed 18 September 3.30 - 4.30pm
 > Email us and we'll send you a Teams link for your calendar:

Benefits of the Pathway for parents and carers

The Peep Progression Pathway units formally recognise the learning which is already occurring within a Peep session. This includes playing, talking, sharing books and stories, and singing with young children, and using ORIM.

The credit-rated units are assessed entirely by portfolio. Through this portfolio learners recognise and build on everyday learning. They reflect on their child’s development and on their own role as their child's first educator. Parents/carers have treasured them, both as a reflection of their own learning and as a keepsake about their child.

Learners who participated in the Peep Progression Pathway found it useful in a range of ways:

Furthering their understanding of child development:
‘It’s good to really consider why you do things and how it benefits your child’ (Parent)

Enhancing parent confidence and relationship with their baby or child:
'The course allowed me to grow in confidence in being able to understand babies' needs and wants. The talk time and listening to others helps put your own experiences into perspective. I'm able to listen to my baby more now and decipher cries and wants - tired, bored, hungry, etc.’ (Parent)

'I gained useful skills through the Peep programme and pathway that will help me day-to-day when I’ve been released from prison. It gave me a better understanding of parenting and what can help my child.' (Parent in Inverness Prison)

As a stepping stone into formal learning...
‘We are finding that parents who do not feel confident to register as a learner recognise that their portfolio work is just as good as their peers and often have a change of heart and submit their portfolios for assessment. It’s increasing access to parents who would never consider participating in accredited learning’ (practitioner)

'At the end of our Peep group I had the opportunity to complete the Peep Progression Pathway course and to support the running of a Peep group. I then attended the Peep Learning Together Programme Training and this led to me applying for a post with Midlothian Council as a Peep Leader – I was successful!  To have the confidence to make a complete change in career is a real achievement for me. The Peep Progression Pathway course and the Learning Together Programme helped me become a better parent by supporting my learning and understanding of what a child needs. I realised that I loved the learning and wanted to do more.'

... and employability
‘We’re seeing a number of parents in our area who are going through the accreditation with the hope of progressing on to co-deliver the groups as volunteers or bank staff where funding allows’ (practitioner)

For personal development...
‘I haven’t had to think critically for a while, so it’s been good to get back into it’ (Parent)

... and enjoyment
‘I've recommended it to all my friends. A very worthwhile and valuable experience’ (Parent)

‘Practitioners love that the Progression Pathway is sown throughout our existing Peep Learning Together Programme’ (Practitioner)

Parents and carers involved in an evaluation of the Peep Progression Pathway reported that they have:

  • a greater understanding of their role in promoting their child’s development
  • an increased confidence in supporting their child’s learning and development
  • more knowledge and ideas for improving the home learning environment
  • recognised improvements in their own personal learning and literacy skills
  • enhanced aspirations  – with many going on to further their own early years and child development study and work opportunities

The units have been credit-rated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) at SCQF levels 3, 4 and 5  - equivalent to entry level 3, level 1 and 2 equivalent in the rest of the UK. 

The Peep Progression Pathway - as its name suggests - often leads on to parents and carers taking further training or qualifications, or new career opportunities. You can read some of our case studies here:

Read more about: 

>  Peep Progression Pathway delivery for organisations - including how to become a Delivery Centre

>  Pathway training for Peep practitioners

Information for learners - parents and carers

Feedback from a young mum: ‘I was very shy and didn’t want to come out. I had to get two buses to come to Peep. The qualification was a pull. It’s made me more confident, knowing what I am doing with my child’s development. I was nervous at first but really liked the two group leaders. It was not as hard as I had thought. I want to go back to college. I had a big gap in my CV so it enabled me to fill that and have something to speak about.’