Families Learning Together (Scotland)

The Families Learning Together (FLT) project aims to deliver a multi-disciplinary approach to family learning using Peep programmes across 11 areas in Scotland. The fund duration is April 2023 - March 2026.

Families Learning Together is a continuation fund from the ‘Family Learning Scotland Project’, which saw Peep programmes implemented in early years settings in all 32 local authorities throughout Scotland. This previous funding has given Peeple strong foundations to build on, ensuring that Peep is recognised by families but also anyone working with families.

The project is an early intervention and prevention approach that supports improved attainment as well as excellence and equity leading to positive outcomes for families. Families Learning Together is part of the wider ‘Whole Family Wellbeing Fund’ (WFWF) and is in response to the Scottish Government's vision for Scotland ‘to be the best place in the world to grow up’.

Families Learning Together areas

The 11 areas involved in this ‘test of change’ are:

  • Highland
  • East Ayrshire
  • Edinburgh
  • South Ayrshire
  • Falkirk
  • Perth and Kinross
  • Dumfries and Galloway
  • Aberdeen
  • East Lothian
  • Shetland
  • Moray 

Each area has been allocated a number of training places to enable practitioners to deliver the Peep Antenatal Programme, Peep Learning Together Programme and/or Peep Progression Pathway to families. Practitioners' workforce development is further supported through Peep Practitioner Accreditation places and implementation support from Peeple's FLT staff.

As part of the funding offer each local authority area will create a Peep Parent Network supporting parents to have a safe space with other parents to chat and share experiences, thus building confidence and enabling support networks to flourish.

Sectors and services involved include speech and language, health visiting, midwifery, prison family centres, foster/adoptive parents, librarians, childminders, employability services, community learning and development, dietetic services as well as local and national third sector organisations.

If you would like to find out more please contact Laura Niven (FLT Project Manager): laura.niven@peeple.org.uk