News: Peeple Family Fun Day

Peeple Family Fun DayCBeebies star Nigel Clarke joined our recent Family Fun Day at the Peeple Centre in Oxford. 400 parents, babies and children enjoyed a day of free activities with local partners including The Story Museum, Ashmolean Museum and Oxfordshire Libraries.

Nigel Clarke, a Peeple Ambassador, delighted children with a story session and chatted with families about the positive impact of everyday play and learning on children’s earliest years. Oxford University BabyLab shared information on early brain development and current research, and Oxfordshire Fire Service invited children to climb on board their fire engine and ask questions.

Families joined in lots of Peep activities including sensory and water play, singing and storytelling, parachute games, playdough and craft activities. Local community-based dance school Messy Jam performed for the crowds, and children enjoyed the free face painting, bouncy castle and snacks, kindly sponsored by MPD Print, Co-op and Asda.

As Peeple CEO Dr Sally Smith commented: ‘We have been embedded in the Leys and Littlemore community for over 25 years, supporting parents to recognise that the little, everyday things that they do with their children has a huge impact on their learning. Today is a thank you to families and a chance to showcase our work, and that of our local partners, to the wider community. It’s been a hugely successful day.’

The Family Fun Day kick starts a summer of free activities that Peeple will be taking part in across the county. Please email us at to find out more.