multi-agency case studies

Joint Peep delivery happens around the country (and beyond) with various combinations of: education, childcare, health, family support, community learning and development, social work, voluntary sector, leisure, prison, etc. Several local authorities use Peep as part of their strategic plan to work with parents to support children's learning and school readiness.

Follow the links for examples of how Peep is being used in this multi-agency way:

>  Early Help, Nottingham - Early help, Children's Centre and Nursery practitioners offering targeted Peep groups for families with babies, children getting ready for Nursery, and Chatter matters

>  Intergenerational Peep, Aberdeen - babies and children, parents, and older participants in a local day centre

Early Years-led Peep in Benalla, Australia - practitioners from the voluntary sector, education and health, and links with family services, specialist health services, and micro-finance services.

>  Education-led Peep in Dundee - practitioners from education/nursery settings, bilingual support service, social work, adult learning, leisure and culture, and the voluntary sector.

​>  Health and community learning-led Peep in Edinburgh - midwives, health visitors, community learning and development workers and voluntary sector workers. 

>  Family support-led Peep in Galway - working with families including those from traveller and EAL communities, and professionals from childcare, parent and toddler groups, family support, Home-Start, vocational education committee, home school liaisons and school completion projects.

> Educational psychology-led Peep in Stirling - family support workers in Health and Education, Early Years’ Educators from nurseries, practitioners from Homestart and the Learning & Employability team.

 Peep in high schools in Moray - health and home school link workers, families and pupils (developing the young workforce)

 Family Learning & employability in Derby - stepping stones into learning and work with the Peep Progression Pathway: NOCN certificate in 'Supporting early learning at home'

 Children's social work and family & community support in Aberdeen - a multi-agency, city-wide approach, led by Social Care.

>  Using Peep in a museum in Oxford - Learning officers for families in the Ashmolean Museum extended their existing 'Little Ashmoles' sessions for toddlers and parents, and included elements of the Peep Learning Together programme with exploring aspects of the musuem, to deliver 'Baby Ashmoles' sessions within the Ashmolean.