Singing Together in Urdu & Punjabi - MP3/ CD/ booklet

Singing Together in Urdu and Punjabi is a unique collection of 17 songs, rhymes and lullabies for singing with babies and young children. There is a spoken introduction – in English, Urdu, and Punjabi - about how singing with babies supports communication and language development. The song words and further information (including a link for the MP3 download) are also printed in English, Urdu and Punjabi in a 20-page booklet.

Click the links to listen to Nuzhat Abbas singing a couple of the songs: 
   > Bulbul Ka Bacha
(Baby bird), an Urdu lullaby, and
   > Saun Ja Meri Rani (My darling girl), a Punjabi lullaby.

According to Sally Smith, CEO of Peeple, “This collection builds on a rich cultural tradition of music and song but has added an understanding of why singing helps parents bond with their babies and encourages learning. Confident use of the mother tongue has also been shown to enhance language development in other languages.

> Singing Together in Urdu and Punjabi Tracklist

Singing Together in Punjabi and Urdu MP3/ CD/ booklet:  £5.00 each + delivery

You can now shop online below (OR complete and return our downloadable Resources Order form)


‘Today is the 45th day since we received Peep's CD Singing Together in Urdu and Punjabi and you will not believe that it’s playing every day in our house since then, and my youngest son who is 14 months old is enjoying every beat of it. It has given us that magic moment, the unforgettable pleasure of seeing him dance for the first time. He has found a friend and we have retrieved back our past. This is a great effort by Peep, and Nuzhat has done an exceptional work in selection and singing of the songs and lullabies, especially for making it available in Punjabi, our mother language.’  
    Mahmood Awan, Dublin

‘I heard all the loris, and for a while I felt myself in the lap of my mother hearing the sweet words. It is a priceless gift.’  
   Tarlochan Aujla, Toronto

Singing Together in Urdu and Punjabi CD cover

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Your organisation may spend a Peeple voucher any time over a 2-year period from the date of purchase. The system has been running for several years, after requests from professionals in various organisations.  

All you need to do is fill out and return this downloadable voucher order form then email it to

Please email or phone us on 01865 397978 with any questions.

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