information briefing for managers

Are you thinking about how Peep programmes might benefit your organisation and local families? 

Our video provides an overview about using Peep programmes in your organisation, and you'll hear from Peep families, practitioners, managers and commissioners:

We'd also be very happy to meet you and your decision-making colleagues online or face-to-face, to give you an overview and discuss your questions, including how Peep programmes can:

  • enhance secure attachment and relationships, children's early social-emotional, cognitive and physical development, and their transitions and school readiness,
  • build parenting capacity and confidence to strengthen the home learning environment, recognising and valuing what they already do,
  • be used flexibly in any targeted and/or universal provision, from pregnancy to five,
  • contribute to a multi-agency approach of identifying, engaging and working with families.

You can read more about how the Peep Learning Together Programme supports the home learning environment.

Peep Learning Together Programme Training includes post-course delivery support: online access to the whole programme, a 'Peep champions' network, newsletters and a practitioner facebook group, for asking questions and sharing tips and ideas with other practitioners. 

> Contact us on 01865 397970  or  email:  with any questions, or to arrange a free information briefing.  

We also hold regular free hour-long information sessions for practitioners or managers who want to find out more about the following - please click the links for forthcoming dates:

>  Practitioner Accreditation

>  Peep Progression Pathway - parent qualifications

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free information briefing for managers

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“Peep is an essential part of the inclusive provision for parents at the centre - it builds parental confidence, introduces early learning and supports forming networks of support.” Peep manager

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"Professionals and Peep facilitators have noticed how effective Peep groups have been in accessing families that have previously been perceived to be ‘hard to reach’. Luton continues to value the training opportunities, accreditation support and advice they have received from Peep and value the positive partnership that has developed over the last eight years."   Family support co-ordinator in Luton

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Making the most of Peep in your organisation or local authority:

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Based on feedback over the years, Peep programmes work best when managers and practitioners:

~  understand the nature and purpose of Peep programmes and delivery 

~  consider and discuss (early on) why and how they'll use the Peep programme 

~  use the log-in Members Area for the programme's Key Ideas, Topics, Session plans, Parent handouts etc.

~  support and/or have time to plan, deliver, review and follow-up Peep work  

~  are occasionally observed by a Peep colleague and/or observe Peep delivery (as a critical friend)

~  sometimes meet with other Peep practitioners to plan and review, and/or share questions, ideas, challenges and good practice (within the organisation or more widely, as with the free online 'Peep in Practice' sessions open to all Peep practitioners)

~  make links with other disciplines to support Peep delivery, e.g. community learning, early years, family services, health, voluntary sector, schools and settings.

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baby and dad

in-house training

Contact us to discuss arranging online or face-to-face training:  tel 01865 397970  or email

Benefits of holding your own training course:

  • An opportunity to focus on your local priorities, with the relevant people attending to facilitate a joined-up approach – Peep programmes are effectively used by professionals across early years, family hubs, family support, health, education, childcare and adult learning.
  • Managers are welcome to join in for all or part of the course, gaining more practical understanding of the programme and discussing with delegates how you envision the Peep programme being used locally.
  • Save travel and accommodation time and money, and improve convenience for your staff - either held in your own venue or live online.

>  Our video 'How Peep Programmes can support your work with families' provides a short overview of the Peep programmes and training, including feedback from parents, practitioners, managers and commissioners.  

Numbers: We train 14–24 people on a course face-to-face, or 8-12 online. If you don’t have that many people to be trained (from your and/or other local organisations), we can invite others to book on, or you can book places on forthcoming course dates. We ask you to provide a training room and refreshments for face-to-face courses.

Online platforms: We usually use Microsoft Teams, but let us know if you can only use another platform, or prefer face-to-face in your own venue.

Post-course support: Our Peep Learning Together Programme Training price includes a range of on-going support, or we can provide tailored in-house support for your organisation, find out more: post-course delivery support

Contact us on 01865 397970  or

Find out more:

>  Peep Learning Together Programme

>  Peep Learning Together Programme 2-day Training for Practitioners

>  Arrange a free Information Briefing for managers and decision-makers

> Buy a Peep voucher to spend in the next two years

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in-house training

find out more and see our video: 'How Peep can support your work with families'

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​> training courses
in-house training
dates & booking
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Singing Row your boat (1-to-1)

training courses

Our courses for practitioners are held online or face-to-face around the UK, Ireland and Australia. Click on the links below to find out more:

Peep Learning Together Programme (LTP) training 

This 2-day course builds on your skills and understanding in supporting parents/carers with their children's learning and development from birth, using the Peep Learning Together Programme (LTP). After the course you'll have online access to the whole programme, from which you can use any topics that meet the needs and interests of the families you work with, as well as extensive post-course delivery support

Peep Antenatal Programme training 
Our innovative one-day training, developed with the University of Warwick Medical School, enables practitioners to use the Peep Antenatal Programme with parents, before and after the birth, supporting secure parent–child attachment and positive outcomes for children.

> Peep Progression Pathway training
This 1-day training equips LTP-trained practitioners to deliver and assess the Peep Progression Pathway units for parents/carers (SCQF credit-rated by SQA), within your Peep delivery 

In-house training - face-to-face or online for your staff or colleagues

Information briefing
A free discussion for your decision-makers to explore how Peep programmes can support your targeted and universal work with families.

Training dates and booking 

> Post-course support sessions
We provide on-going and time-saving post-course support in a range of ways, including tailored sessions for your staff.

We have trained people from across the early years and family support sectors - practitioners who work in family hubs, children's centres, playgroups and family centres, health and social care settings (including health visitors, community nursery nurses, midwives, speech and language therapists, psychologists, social workers, public health practitioners),  education settings (including childminders and staff in pre-schools, day nurseries, nursery classes, early years centres, schools, community learning and development, and lecturers and students in colleges),  the voluntary sector (including HomeStart), libraries and prisons, as well as training Peep parents who go on to become Peep practitioners. 

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peep training courses

for organisations working with parents, carers and young children

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tel 01865 397 970

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in-house training
dates & booking
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Delegate from Peep Antenatal Training: ‘I found this really useful to learn how to deliver a programme that focuses in on key aspects and in a parent/baby-friendly way. A great learning experience – it gave me a structured framework to use which is evidence-based but also flexible in the delivery of it.’ Tracey, Clinical Psychologist

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playing with orange and wooden spoon

peep learning together programme training

Who for:

Peep Learning Together Programme Training is for practitioners who work - or plan to work - with mums, dads, carers and babies or young children, to contribute to:

  • strong parent-child relationships
  • increased parental knowledge and confidence in how to support their child's learning and play in day-to-day life, from birth to school
  • children’s personal, social and emotional development, communication and language, early literacy, early maths, and health and physical development. 

The training is relevant whether you work in a children's centre, community centre or family hub; in a school, nursery or early years setting; in a health centre, social care setting, library, prison, museum, stay and play or toddler group, or in the home - anywhere that involves working with families.

Our video provides an overview about using Peep in your organisation. You'll see and hear from Peep families, practitioners, managers and commissioners:

Aims - the training equips practitioners to:

  • engage and support parents to build on what they already do to enhance their child's early learning and development, through talking and playing as part of everyday life,  
  • explore practical ideas, strategies and resources, using the comprehensive and flexible Peep Learning Together Programme,
  • deliver universal or targeted sessions with parents and children together, to meet local needs - in one-to-one, group or drop-in sessions; indoors, outdoors or virtually,
  • contribute to a smooth transition to nursery or school if appropriate, helping families to feel ready for school,
  • gain a practitioner accreditation unit (optional, see below: 3 credits at level 3 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, equivalent level 6 in Scotland or level 5 in the Republic of Ireland).

'I thoroughly enjoyed the course and I was not really expecting to as it was online.  I think that Peep is a wonderfully flexible, accessible resource which can be used to develop and enhance what we already do as practitioners and what parents do every day.'  Catherine, Family support worker, County Fermanagh  [more feedback below]


  • Two consecutive days:  9.30 - 4.30pm  

Training price: 

£500 + vat per person, including:  

  • online access to the whole Programme, including 74 child development topics, session plans, handouts etc. (Trained practitioners can also opt to buy a printed Programme Folder containing all the topics.) 
  • a range of other post-course delivery support
  • Practitioner Accreditation unit (including downloadable portfolio, monthly support sessions, assessment and certification), contributing to your CPD and quality of delivery. 

or £450 + vat per person - as above but without the Practitioner Accreditation unit. You can also opt to do the accreditation later, at £70 pp.

How to book:

> Check course dates for open courses then complete and return the Booking Form for LTP Training or

> Find out about arranging your own in-house training (online or face-to-face)

>  Find out about a free Information briefing for managers 

For online courses:  We use Microsoft Teams, but let us know if you can only use another platform. Delegates should each  have a laptop/ computer or tablet to use, at home or at work; if this is a problem please let us know in advance.

Please book and send delegate details at least 10 working days before the course, to ensure that your training delegate pack reaches you in the post in time.

Payment and Cancellation Terms and Conditions:  Peep Learning Ltd, the trading arm of Peeple, will invoice you after receiving this booking form. Payment is due within 30 days of invoice date. Fees are only refundable if cancelled more than two weeks before the course.
Peep Learning Ltd Vat Registration no: 768 4173 94.

Contact us with any questions:  or  tel 01865 397970 

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peep learning together programme training

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Feedback a few months later: "Peep is inclusive and doesn't preach to parents, making it more accessible.  Parents appreciate that the activities are easy to do and they don't need to go and buy expensive resources."  Nursery nurse, West Lothian

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​> dates & booking
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training courses
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"Peep is a really do-able programme...." - find out what delegates thought - after the training and after using Peep with families:

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Online training feedback:

  • 'Great training for delivering Peep, with planning, strategies and support. The training was fantastic and I enjoyed every minute of it. Great being able to interact with the others in group despite it being online, felt like a great team. I look forward to delivering Peep and building relationships with parents and building on their knowledge.'  Victoria, Early years practitioner in school, Aberdeen
  • 'Excellent course, which worked very well. All information was clear, with plenty of time for questions and conversation about the content.'  Family support worker, Oxfordshire
  • 'Over the years I have attended many training events, however this is the first training that really values and concentrates on the parents' involvement, knowledge and achievements. The LTP has really inspired me to look at the ways in which I can build relationships with parents and families to make a positive difference to the families I work with.'  Louise, Community nursery nurse - health visiting, Oxfordshire 

Would you recommend this training course to other practitioners?

  • 'Yes, approaching parents regarding how they can help at home can be daunting and Peep training has made me realise it isn't. The training has been very inspiring.'  Tracey, Team Leader/SENDco, Lincolnshire
  • 'Totally!  It is of huge value and will be hugely empowering.' Louise, Infant School EY Lead, Hampshire 
  • 'Definitely - fun programme, lots to think about and different ways to engage with parents and their children.'  Parenting Support Practitioner, Luton 
  • 'Peep is a really do-able programme and can run alongside other projects already in our strategic plan.'  Senior Early Childhood Educator, Stirling 
  • 'Yes, I think parent understanding is crucial in them interacting more with their children. Very practical and great toolkit.'  Homestart Co-ordinator, Stirling 

Did the course strengthen your skills, knowledge and understanding in supporting parents with their children's learning?

  • 'It gave a good clear structure to help parents understand and value how their children learn, in a fun but meaningful way.'  Kathryn, Preschool Manager/ SENco, Lincolnshire
  • 'I feel that after these two days I have the confidence to go away and share this with my parents - giving them support and sharing ideas.'  Donna, Childminder, Lincolnshire
  • 'Yes, I've learnt many useful strategies to support parents and children.'  Support Worker, Luton 
  • 'Yes, excellent opportunity to enhance skills, share good practice and network. Feeling very uplifted and excited about running sessions with current Stay and Play parents.'  Family Team Leader, Luton 
  • 'Yes, really interesting course, enthusiastic and passionate trainers. Feel full of confidence now and keen to get started. There are no negatives to this training!'  Sara, Senior Early Childhood Educator, Stirling

Recommendations from practitioners after they have started delivering Peep with families:

  • 'As a practitioner it provides everything you need (including the website) to deliver programmes. As a parent it is a fun, inclusive and educational opportunity to participate in a group activity with your child.'  Tracy, Classroom assistant, South Ayrshire
  • 'Brilliant programme and parents really enjoy doing the sessions.'  Lisa, Children's Centre Senior Practitioner, Cambridgeshire
  • 'I can see impact on families, developing relationships, understanding how their child develops accelerated progress towards early learning goals (ELGs). Parents say they enjoy working with the class teacher in this way.'  Gill, Reception unit leader in a school, Southampton
  • 'Great for building confidence in the person delivering Peep sessions, as well as families. Great for parents to pick up tips and hints to help understand children's learning and development.'  Lynda, Nursery nurse, South Ayrshire
  • 'Great having so many resources on hand and I love the research articles and handouts for parents.'  Sue, Children's Centre practitioner, Merseyside
  • 'It takes the emphasis away from 'formal' learning, which can overwhelm parents. By focusing on relationships and every day learning opportunities, parents go home feeling empowered.'  Naomi, Outreach worker, Warwickshire
  • 'It's inclusive and doesn't preach to parents, making it more accessible. Parents appreciate that the activities are easy to do and they don't need to go and buy expensive resources.'  Nursery nurse, West Lothian
  • 'It's such a unique programme that is non-threatening which compliments everyday life as a parent/carer.'  Marion, Family Support worker

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